9-year old borrowed Dad’s blower to help an elderly neighbor.

Kindness starts with one person and spreads. As Amelia Earhart said, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up new trees.”

Is Kindness Diminishing in the World?

We live in a kind and giving society, even though the news may sometimes make us think otherwise. At The Almanor Foundation, we believe that kindness toward one another is a natural behavior for those who live in Plumas County.

Every day we witness acts of kindness that may not be grand or flashy, but are meaningful and heartwarming. They are the little things that can brighten up your day, make you smile, or ease your stress.

  • A shopper with a full basket lets the person behind them with two items go ahead in line.
  • A clerk at the hardware store sits down on the floor and helps a customer assemble their project when they just came in to buy two bolts.
  • A neighbor plows your driveway after seeing you shoveling snow, just because they want to help.
  • A child hears of a need and rallies the family to respond.

6 years old and loving picking apples for local food bank.

These are just some of the many ways that kindness is shown in our community. And we want to celebrate and share these stories with you.

Join us in celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 11 – 17 is Random Act of Kindness week, and as the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation states, “Kindness Starts With One: One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee”. One person can make a difference by being kindhearted to others.

Do you have a story, picture, or video of an act of kindness that you witnessed or experienced? We are inviting you to join us in spreading kindness in Plumas County. Stories and videos received will be posted on our YouTube Channel and Facebook page to showcase how kind we are to one another.

We want to hear from you so please send your Acts of Kindness to us at admin@almanorfoundation.org. We will be posting throughout this month and the year to come to lift your spirits as we share the generousity that abounds within us all.

Make Someone’s Day Brighter

Let’s make kindness contagious and inspire others to join us. Together, we can make Plumas County a better place for everyone. Remember, kindness starts with one and that one could be you.