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Volunteering is defined in many different ways – giving back, being neighborly, supporting your community. No matter how it is described, volunteerism is our humanity.
Everyone volunteers for different reasons. Choices of what organization or what service you will fill, is suited to them. From the perspective of TAF’s Board Chair, Judy Chynoweth, there are two motivations. You can do something that is new and fun or do something you know you do well. “I like to have a comfort level. As chair of TAF running and orchestrating a meeting that gets results is something I am skilled at doing. It gives me both pleasure to do and a purpose.”
“As a child you do what you can or what is assigned. As an adult, you can do so much more because you have years of experience. Why wouldn’t you share that,” says Judy. She suggests for those interested in volunteering to look at what you know how to do, ask yourself if those skills could serve a purpose and then step-up and apply it where there is a need.
Any volunteer will tell you they get so much more out of volunteering than what they give. TAF’s Board Treasurer, Julie Childers says, “When I see the results of my time, my efforts, I cannot help but be pleased with the outcome. It also allows one to get out of the way of yourself, your needs, your wants. Seeing your friends and neighbors coming together for a common purpose is just fun. “It then allows me to have a sense of gratitude for what I have.”
Judy adds, “In a rural area you see it. The community you are helping is the family next door, people you see at the grocery store. In an urban area, you may be aware but where do you go to serve? Here, it is right out in front of you, which for me, makes it that much more compelling to put the time in to better my community.”
There are so many ways to support Plumas County. Get active with us—however is best for you.
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