Pacific Coast Trail hikers treated to Chester style trail magic with PCT Thru-Hiker’s Lounge.

During June and July Pacific Coast Trail hikers going through Plumas County, the half-way point on the 2,659-mile trek from the Mexican to Canadian border, enjoy the spirit of local hospitality from free ice cream in Quincy to beverages and hospitality at Chester’s Thru-Hiker’s Lounge.

The town of Chester, the unofficial midpoint of the PCT, is a popular stop-over for many hikers who are welcomed by the locals, given lifts, and even places to stay. Late June through July hikers are seen throughout town picking up their care packages, getting a meal at one of the restaurants, doing laundry or shopping at the local Holiday Market in search of their favorite protein bar. In July, The Almanor Foundation based in Chester, sponsored the PCT Thru-Hiker’s Lounge offering hikers free water, beer, and a sip of Sincere Cider, courtesy of local brewer Bex Pezzullo. The Chester Trail Angels and Pezzulo hosted the lounge during the weekly Chester Farmers Market.

Worn Shoes Tossed to the Trees

Chester residents love the Shoe Tree

Chester residents love the Shoe Tree added to each year by PCT Hikers

Since the stop-over in Chester many times includes a visit to the post office where a new pair of hiking shoes awaits the hikers, a tradition was started about eight years ago by local dentist Dr. Webb whose practice was right across the street. He would see hikers “modeling” their new pair of shoes — as happy as a runway model wearing a pair of Jimmy Choo’s or Loui Viton stilettos — and invite them to give their worn shoes a celebratory heave-ho into a tree in the backyard.

The practice is now owned by Jeff and Dianne Benedictson of Lake Almanor Dental who have kept up the invitation to hikers to stop by and rid themselves of their shoes in the notorious Shoe Tree, though last year did not see a lot of hikers due to the Dixie Fire. This hiking season they have gotten several “walk-ins” keeping the tradition alive with a “toss into the tree.” While there, some take advantage of civilization and the hospitality of Jeff and Dianne and re-charge a phone and relax on a bench in the backyard. (picture)

Though the season for hikers stopping in Chester is coming to an end, Lake Almanor Dental still anticipates there will be quite a few more pairs of worn-out shoes adorning the Shoe Tree and more guests at The Almanor Foundation’s Thru Hiker’s Lounge.