The Almanor Impact Blog

Keeping the Momentum Going with Collaboration

Keeping the Momentum Going with Collaboration

TAF keeps the momentum going through collaborative efforts with partners and community. A key purpose in establishing The Almanor Foundation (TAF) was to provide the community with a needed umbrella organization to bring groups together to support their efforts, facilitate funding, and assist in reaching collective goals. The Foundation continues to honor this purpose, demonstrating that collaboration is key to creating a united community.

The Town Plaza is an initiative of TAF in partnership with Lake Almanor Area Chamber of Commerce (LAAC). TAF orchestrated a meeting with LAAC and the Almanor Recreation and Park District (ARDP), who is expanding their services in the community, some of which overlap with the goals of the Town Plaza. The purpose of the meeting was to see how working together might maximize the three organizations’ efforts and resources, whether for the Town Plaza or other objectives they each may have.

Key to successful collaboration is understanding the purpose of each organization. The agenda created by TAF had representatives from each group share short and long-term intentions, give updates on active projects as well as discuss grants and other sources of funding. It was apparent that each had opportunities and expertise to assist their fellow organizations. With the initial meeting creating synergy between the groups, representatives committed continuing to work together, and yes, further collaborate on common goals.

Collaboration is not limited to organizations or groups. Working together was demonstrated again President’s Weekend when TAF sponsored the Chilly Chili Cook-Off. The event was hosted to raise funds for the Chester Park ice-skating rink. This collaboration did not have anything to do with other organizations. The event itself was a collaboration between TAF and the community. How? The community was invited to take ownership of the ice rink by participating in an afternoon of good food, great music, comradery and raising funds for its operation. Ownership brings with it a sense of pride. Together we did our part and helped to fund something that makes the place we live that much better for all who call it home.

The Big C continues with TAF hosting the 3rd Annual Consortium in April. Recognizing that issues such as housing, lack of employees, daycare, etc., is a common denominator no matter the industry or business, TAF hosted the first consortium to flush out the top ten concerns of the leaders of our private and public organizations. The second consortium addressed a top issue, workforce housing. This was so successful it yielded an investment of resources in hiring a planning consultant to fashion an innovative plan to develop workforce housing in the Lake Almanor Basin, in conjunction with work being done in Greenville.

With two successful events and over 70+ people participating in each, TAF is hosting a third event. This time with a slightly different format. This year, the foundation will bring in a skilled facilitator, TAF chair Judy Chynoweth, whose expertise is in collaborative brainstorming and problem solving. The goal is to continue the momentum of bringing people together so they can move forward as one toward common goals.

Though collaboration is nothing new it doesn’t work unless there is someone or some organizations that brings it together. TAF is proud that one of their founding principles, collaboration, is playing a front and center role in creating change and growth in their community.

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