Chester Cemetery Fund

Chester Cemetary Fund by The Almanor Foundation

The Chester Cemetery District has opened this fund with The Almanor Foundation to raise money to rehabilitate Chester Cemetery properties and vegetation destroyed by the 2021 Dixie Fire. 

The Chester Cemetery District serves the communities of Chester and Prattville. The Chester Cemetery was conceived in 1956. Collins Pine Company donated five acres of land, roadway access was acquired, land was cleared and a fence was installed. By the end of 1959 the Chester Cemetery was a reality. In 2021, the Dixie Fire destroyed many of the structures and towering pines that graced the cemetery grounds.

The goal for this fund is to raise $20,000 to plant trees and renovate landscaping to bring the cemetery back to its previous beauty. 

The Almanor Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN# 86-2462099. 

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