The Almanor Impact Blog

TAF November 2022 Update

TAF November 2022 Update

Measure B Brings out the Voters

It appears that Seneca Measure B will succeed” says Plumas News. Unofficial results show that voters want a new hospit

al by coming out in record numbers and voting YES to Measure B, the bond initiative to allow a tax assessment on property to help fund a new state-of-the art facility for Seneca Healthcare District. The campaign was facilitated by Friends of Seneca committee who mailed postcards, handed out brochures, posted lawn signs and spoke at the Town Hall meeting to educate and rally support.

Shawn McKenzie, CEO of Seneca, made himself available at “Evenings with the CEO” to answer questions regarding the hospital, its current status and how a new hospital would be a gamechanger for our community, with regards to medical care and the economy.

“Back the Build” is one of the funding operations overseen by TAF.

“Back the Build” is one of the funding operations overseen by TAF. “This is a great win for the community,” says TAF Chair, Judith Chynoweth, chair. “TAF is committed to continuing fundraising efforts in order to make the new hospital a reality and with the type of support we receive from our community, I am confident we will.”

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